
Planetarium's website serves as a dynamic digital hub that enhances visitor experiences, fosters learning and engagement, promotes community outreach, and facilitates convenient access to astronomy resources and events.

Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup


Problem Statement

The Planetarium struggles to effectively showcase its exhibits, shows, and educational programs to a wider audience due to inadequate online visibility and promotion.
Visitors encounter difficulties in booking tickets for planetarium shows and events, leading to a decrease in attendance and missed revenue opportunities.



Develop a user-friendly and visually engaging website that serves as a comprehensive digital platform for Planetarium. The website should feature detailed information about exhibits, shows, events, educational programs and visitor amenities, providing an immersive virtual experience for users.

Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup



The imagery chosen for Planetarium website utilizes flat design characters to convey a sense of accessibility, modernity, and friendliness while maintaining a clean and minimalist aesthetic.
The imagery is carefully selected to convey educational themes and concepts related to astronomy and space science.



The website for Planetarium results in increased visitor engagement, with users spending more time exploring the site's immersive content and interactive features. Visitors are captivated by the visually stunning imagery, engaging educational resources, and user-friendly navigation, leading to a deeper understanding and appreciation of space exploration.

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